
Become a volunteer

Research shows that volunteering can boost your mood and lower stress levels. We couldn't agree more, and we're convinced that when people work together, amazing things happen. Let's join forces to empower Ukrainian youth!
How can I get involved?
Organizational support
A few hours a week at the Place of Power - what could be better? We provide positive vibes, and you help with moderating the space and handling some light admin tasks. It's a win-win!
Yes, I'm in
Mentorship boost
Are you a creative soul looking to share your experience with teens? Do you have an exciting idea and want to host an event at the Place of Power on a volunteer basis? Then we want you. We guarantee you'll get an amazing energy boost!
Yes, I'm in
Creative reinforcement
Love posting on social media? Write killer copy? Take amazing photos or create awesome videos? If your friends have secretly nominated you for 'Creator of the Year,' then this shout-out is for you. Let's team up and show the world what the Place of Strength is all about!
Yes, I'm in
Become a Place of Power volunteer!
Send a request
Real magic doesn't happen in the Marvel universe - it's created by everyday heroes like YOU doing good deeds. Join the Place of Power and become a catalyst for change!
Frequently asked questions
We answer 😉
Choose a day that works for you and an event you're interested in from our schedule, then fill out the form. You'll receive a confirmation via text and a call from our admin. Before your first visit, your parents or guardians must sign a consent form for you to attend the space and give permission for photo and video recording. Our administrator will explain how to do this. That's it! We can't wait to share the power with you!
If it's your first time at the Place of Power, our administrator will call your parent or guardian within 24 hours to confirm your registration. You'll also receive a few SMS reminders after that. If we've met before, we'll send you a quick text message within a few hours to let you know your registration was successful.
What could have happened: The confirmation waiting period hasn't passed yet: it's 24 hours for your first visit and a few hours during the day for subsequent visits. There might be a typo in your phone number, and we can't reach you :( Our tech is acting up, and we're ready to give it a stern talking-to. Any other reason, but don't worry – it won't stop us! Message us on Telegram, or if you're an extrovert, feel free to call us +380630715203.
Currently, the space works without restrictions on visits, so welcome - register wherever you are interested.
Adults, except for the psychologist-moderator, are not allowed in! But that's not all... In "No adults allowed" room, group, and art therapy sessions run as a 12-session course (3 months). The group for each course is formed in advance, and once it starts, you can't join mid-way :( You can only take the group or art therapy course once. Other activities in the 'Adults Not Allowed' therapy room are available as usual.
Often, teens find it easier to open up when they're around their peers. The Place of Power is about and for teenagers - it's their safe place and comfort zone. Adults can always wait in the entrance area. P.S. In case of emergencies (health issues, special needs, etc.), responsible adults are allowed in the space.
Our administrators are ready - write to Telegram or call: +380630715203.
The Place of Power is equipped with a reliable shelter, ensuring that activities can continue safely under any circumstances. When an air raid siren sounds, all visitors are organized and guided to the shelter, where interactions continue in an adapted format. During an alert, the space's team cannot release participants, even at the request of parents or guardians.
Write to us in Telegram or call the administrator: +380630715203.